Where we work
South Africa
Organic growth
News of good results travels fast and the inclusive and supportive nature of Partners in Education International’s work is well received around the world. We develop close working relationships with local and regional education officers and we always obtain the correct permissions required to work with schools in each country. This takes time and effort, so we believe scaling carefully and consciously is the correct approach to give students in all of our partnered schools the best chance at success.
2025 is Partners in Education International’s eleventh year in Tanzania. Our first region, Rukwa has consolidated its improved CSEE pass rate, having improved from 71.6% to 85.8%. In Moshi, where there are 116 Partners in Education International International schools, the schools’ improved performance has helped to put Kilimanjaro region as the top ranked region in the country for grade point average.
Ruangwa district, with 15 PiXL International schools, has made substantial gains, progressing from a 65.9% to 79.8% pass rate.
This is our fourth year working with schools in Morogoro region, with 237 secondary and 880 primary schools joining the partnership. We are delighted to hear the wonderful news that Morogoro region has moved from 16th to 8th place in the national ranking for pupils’ performance in their primary PSLE exams! A magnificent improvement in the pass rate from 78.5% to 87.2% . Morogoro is now one of the top ten regions in the country.
We are also delighted to see that Malinyi district is ranked 9th out of 186 districts and becomes one of the ‘Top 10’ districts with an amazing pass rate of 96.3%. And also Kilosa district joins the ‘Top 10’ club for becoming the 6th out of 186 districts for showing the most improvement in the pass rate over two years, having gone up from 64% to 87%.
Partners in Education International Brazil started in 2014 based in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia, central Brazil. After a short time implementing Partners in Education International strategies, our pilot school jumped to the top position in the city's ranking. Since then more schools have joined the family. We have a hub of schools co-operating together and now work with schools in 6 States (almost like countries in their own right) - Goiás, Minas Gerias, São Paulo, Santa Caterina, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio de Janeiro.
Our Brazilian International Associate Josebene Lima leads a team who are carrying on the transformation through a mixture of school visits and virtual conferences. Much cultural contextualisation has been needed as the political and administrative structures are very different to countries like Tanzania, but the team show great resilience and leadership as they grow the network. Our Partners in Education International leadership and teacher training videos produced in Portuguese are very useful and have prepared a solid foundation for scaling our work in this great, and troubled nation.
The pandemic has hit Brazil hard and schools have been navigating the new reality, many feeling they are inadequately prepared. Josebene and the team have adapted Partners in Education International strategies to this new reality and have produced a new course to help school leaders look after themselves and their teams, to help children and adults process the trauma of the pandemic and how to close the academic gaps that have opened. Partners in Education International Brazil has been really well received and continues to expand so that even more students have a better future and a brighter hope.
Ghana is in its fifth academic year of partnership with Partners in Education International. Seven Ashanti Akim South Senior High Schools have registered as partner schools having joined the inaugural Ghana Partners in Education International conferences in February 2020. We are delighted that the Municipal Director of Education has requested for all 20+ Junior High Schools in the South to join in phase two.
Separately, we have direct requests for partnerships from seven SHS schools in Bosomtwe and five in Winneba; their projects will commence with meetings with Directors of Education, education officers and Head Teachers to formalise the partnerships at their first conferences.
At the start of this project in South Africa, 20 schools committed to joining the Partners in Education International programme. There are 3 Education District Officers and a Subject Adviser support their schools in the effective implementation of Partners in Education International strategies. These schools come from rural areas and townships in Eastern Cape province which is the poorest province in the country.
The whole project is overseen by Mr Mongezi Mncono, Education District Officer, and formerly a principal of one of the schools in the partnership, Smiling Valley. He has led a very successful international partnership for 10 years with an English School, Byrchall High School.
The project commenced with a conference for all the Headteachers of the 20 schools and the Education District Officers. There is great enthusiasm for the succes of the project.
The 4th Partners in Education International conference for Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA) secondary schools was hosted by Makerere College School. There were 70+ delegates attending including KCCA regional supervisors (Associates), Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers (RSLs), Heads of Department and subject teachers.
Summary of success stories from the UCE results that were shared during the conference.
There was a 4% rise in the number of students in Division 1 in KCCA Secondary Schools
There was a 100% reduction in the number of students in Division 7
There was a 13.3% reduction in the number of Division 9
6 of the KCCA Schools were rated in the top 100 schools nationally.
8 out of the 83 students nationally who scored the top aggregate score of Distinction 1 in all their best 8 subjects came from KCCA Secondary Schools.
Mengo Secondary School had set themselves a goal of having at least 3 students in the top performing students nationally - which they achieved.